TC2 Summer 2020 High School Internship TechCORE2 collaborated with WorkReady during the summer of 2020 to kick off their 6th summer high school internship program. High school students were given the opportunity to develop various Read more…
(8) SATURDAY FAMILY FRIENDLY (90 Minute) COMPUTER CODING CLASSES for K12 STUDENTS ($75 for 8 Saturdays***) +[OPTIONAL] Chromebook Rentals About this Event PAYMENT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE (see below) #OpportunitesMatter #ComputerScience #STEM #TechCORE2 #YesWeCode CODING WORKSHOPS Read more…
“Why I Chose a STEM Career Path?” By Neylan Neal My name in Neylan Neal and I am a sophomore at Rutgers University. Throughout my younger years, I aspired to be a psychologist, college gymnast, and Read more…