Tech S.T.E.M. @ Overbrook Park Branch Library

Sponsored by Overbrook CDC   

Monday, May 6, 2019 to June Friday, June 7, 2019 (3:00 pm – 6:00 pm)



We here at TechCORE2 at the Overbrook Park Branch Library want to provide a wonderful experience for your child this summer. We want to offer your children a variety of fun activities that can help improve their technical skills and pique their interests in S.T.E.M  (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) related programs.

The Three (3) STEM  Activities we have to offer this Spring (Subject to Change)

First off is Scratch Computer Coding!   Scratch is a visual programming language and online community targeted primarily at children. Using Scratch, kids can learn to create online projects, little games, animations, and so much more!  To get a headstart please visit



Next on the list is littleBits CODE KIT where children can learn to use the littleBits app to program little magnetic mechanical chips to perform a variety of functions and even make fun little games on a screen! Visit



The third activity is the littleBits STEAM STUDENT SET focuses on the children making robots and

other cool machines using magnetic chips to perform a variety of actions such as moving cars or launching a catapult!

Check it out at

So parents if you’re interested, complete the Online Sign Up (URL: and  come to the Overbrook Park Branch Library and sign your child up today so that they too can experience the fun of technology!

Categories: Uncategorized


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