TC2 Summer 2020 High School Internship

TC2 Summer 2020 High School Internship TechCORE2 collaborated with WorkReady during the summer of 2020 to kick off their 6th summer high school internship program. High school students were given the opportunity to develop various skills under the wings of college students during this internship program. The internship program allowed students to expand their skill set, engage with STEM-pursuing college students, and learn valuable lessons that are necessary to navigate life outside high school. This Read more…

TechCORE2 (ONLINE) Fall 2020 Coding (8) Saturdays starting 9/26/2020

(8) SATURDAY FAMILY FRIENDLY (90 Minute) COMPUTER CODING CLASSES for K12 STUDENTS ($75 for 8 Saturdays***) +[OPTIONAL] Chromebook Rentals About this Event PAYMENT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE (see below) #OpportunitesMatter #ComputerScience #STEM #TechCORE2 #YesWeCode CODING WORKSHOPS (Most Classes, No Experience Necessary) ————————————————————————— TIME SLOT T1 (10:00 am – 11:30 pm) 1A) Parent & Me: Intro SCRATCH Coding** (for students grades K – 2nd) 1B) Young Coders: Intro SCRATCH Coding (grades 3rd to 5th) 1C) Mid Level Read more…

“Why I Chose a STEM Career Path?”

“Why I Chose a STEM Career Path?” By Neylan Neal My name in Neylan Neal and I am a sophomore at Rutgers University. Throughout my younger years, I aspired to be a psychologist, college gymnast, and a teacher. The thought of pursuing a career in STEM never crossed my mind until my sophomore year of high school. In my sophomore year of high school, I decided to take up robotics. I started out working with hardware. Read more…

How Amir Price created his path to success with STEM

How Amir Price created His Path to “Success with STEM” Amir Price was born August 9th 2002 in Philadelphia. At a young age, he was told to find a path to success and to live life to the fullest. His father told him to always work hard so that you can play hard. Amir was always creative. He is what his mother called a self soother. he did not need much to entertain himself. He Read more…

Why I chose a S.T.E.M. Career?

Why I Chose a S.T.E.M. Career? By Jaden Johnson        At some point in everyone’s life we have our goals, we have our dreams, we have our aspirations, and at some point we have to ask ourselves why we want to do what we want to do. I found myself asking myself that very same question over and over again. What do I want to do? Why do I want to do it? Read more…

S.T.E.M. FORWARD Virtual Event: How to prevent the COVID-19 Brain Drain

    Join Dr. Stephen Jones, Dr. John W. Spencer, and Mr. Joel Wilson May 28, 2020 for STEM Forward: How to prevent the COVID-19 Brain Drain. We will provide practical strategies that will help parents build, communicate, and thrive during this unprecedented time. Our series of webinars are designed to provide resources for STEM education, programming, and training for Black and Brown communities. Our team is a group of talented K12 and higher education Read more…

Postponement of Techcore2 Spring 2020 Coding (8) Saturday Classes

PARENTS, STUDENTS & FRIENDS, With deep regret we must postpone the start of the Spring 2020 Saturday classes due to the current Coronavirus crises. We are following the guidelines of the School District of Philadelphia ( and will open when they issue green light for students to return to the classroom. We currently have not set a new start date, but am monitoring the news alerts daily to see when we can safely proceed with Read more…

Summer Camps at College Settlement – Summer 2020!

Online summer camp registration for Summer 2020 at Summer Camps at College Settlement is now open!   We know you have been waiting for registration to begin and we are excited to get camper registrations started. If you don’t have a camper aged child (7-14), feel free to forward this email to someone that does.   Click the link here starting today 2/10/2020 to secure your camper a space for summer 2020. You could also click the Read more…

TechCORE2 COVID-19 Information

  We will be open based on the School District being open for students. Additionally, we have new PROTOCOLS all staff must follow.    *************** CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION *************** NEW PROCEDURES WILL INCLUDE: – All rooms, tables and chairs will be sprayed with Lysol before class begins – All students washing hands upon entry into buildings – All computers being wiped down at end of class with Equipment Cleaning Wipes. – All tables and chairs will Read more…

4th Annual TC2 Bowling Party Fundraiser!

  HELP US HELP MORE KIDS TO LEARN CODING while BOWLING! BOWLING! BOWLING! MISSION | To Develop a Tech Industry Opportunity Pipeline for Urban Youth from Kindergarten-to-College-to-Career Entry Please join TechCORE2 for our 4TH ANNUAL FUNDRAISER BOWLING PARTY. Adult and children $20 ticket (Early bird $15 thru 2/28/2020) includes: Bowling, Shoes, Good Food and Fun!! In addition to bowling, there will be a selection of great auction items to help make this event complete. Proceeds will assist boys and girls who desire Read more…