Overbrook Park Residents: Your Child Could Win
a FREE Class @ TechCORE2 Fall 2017 Program!
#OpportunitesMatter #ComputerScience #STEM #Technology #YesWeCode
CODING WORKSHOPS (No Experience Necessary)
A) Parent & Me: Intro SCRATCH Coding* (for students grades K – 2nd) / Fall 2017
B) Young Coders: Intro SCRATCH Coding (grades 3rd to 5th) – Fall 2017
C) Mid Level Coders: Intro to SCRATCH Coding (grades 6th to 8th) – Fall 2017
D) Intermediate* SCRATCH Coding w/ Robotics (grades 1st to 8th) Fall 2017
E) Engineering -w- LittleBits / Fall 2017 (grades 3th to 5th)
F) WordPress Web Development (grades 7th to 12th) Fall 2017
COMPUTER CODING is a global movement, and career path within S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)! However many of our Philadelphia youth can only ‘play’ on their SmartPhones and computers, yet not ‘program’ them!
This course will help to get your young, grades Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School student on the path of being a “Digital Creative”, soaring past being merely a technology consumer.
– (8) Saturday 90-minute hands on tutorials using Google Chromebooks! No experience needed.
– SATURDAYS** 9/30 10/7, 10/14. 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11 and 11/18/2017)
– Workshops A, B, and C (11:00 am – 12:30 pm)
– Workshops D, E, and F (1:00 pm – 2:30 pm)
* Light Refreshments will be served
** Parent / Guardian Room include fun activities for you to wait while your students starts their CODING journey
- Open to Youth in grades Kindergarten through High School who are residents of Overbrook Park. The Overbrook Park Civic Association will make final decision for residential eligibility.
- https://www.facebook.com/OverbrookParkCivicAssociation/
- https://www.facebook.com/OverbrookParkCivicAssociation/
- Students must create an original submission on the topic “STEM Technology is Important To Me?” and submit by Monday 9/18/2017. Submissions can include:
- 1 Page Essay submitted to info@techcore2.org
- 1 minute rap video and posted into EVENT https://www.facebook.com/events/1517910708269753/
- 1 minute video presentation and posted into EVENT https://www.facebook.com/events/1517910708269753/
- (*Update*) For all contestants, e-mail must be sent to info@techcore2.org indicating:
- Parent Full Name
- Full Address
- Student Name, Age, Grade, School
- Identify type of entry if not included as attachment with the email