Spring 2020 Coding (8) Saturdays starting 3/28 | Mt. Airy

COMPUTER CODING is a global movement, and career path within S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)! However many of our Philadelphia youth can only ‘play’ on their SmartPhones and computers, yet not ‘program’ them! This course will help to get your young, grades Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School student on the path of being a “Digital Creative”, soaring past  merely a technology consumer. & Most classes require no prior experience to coding! We offer (8) Read more…

Spring 2020 Coding (8) Saturdays starting 3/28 | Univ. City

COMPUTER CODING is a global movement, and career path within S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)! However, many of our Philadelphia youth can only ‘play’ on their SmartPhones and computers, yet not ‘program’ them! This course will help to get your young, grades Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School student on the path of being a “Digital Creative”, soaring past being merely a technology consumer. & Most classes require no prior experience to coding! We Read more…

Give the Gift of Education! $100,000 Centennial Scholarship Opportunity

ATTENTION High School Educators, Administrators and Counselors: We are searching for one talented young lady to award our $100,000 centennial scholarship! Make sure you tell your high school senior about this opportunity TODAY!!! Share with any Educators you know!!!   To Learn more and for eligibility and requirements visit the following link: http://www.zpbnef1975.org/centennial-scholarship.html

The Phila American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) 2020 H.S. Scholarship

The Phila American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) is proud to announce that their 2020 High School Scholarship is now available to apply at: https://scholarship.aabe.org Eligibility Criteria Unweighted academic average of B or better (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) Graduating high school senior who intends to enroll next semester in an accredited college or university Pursuing a business, one of the physical sciences, technology, engineering or mathematics field Underrepresented minority (African Americans, Hispanic or Native Read more…

Winter 2020 VESTED PROGRAM is a (7) Saturday Villanova University engineering program

.  Dr. Stephen Jones is a Board Member of TechCORE2 Nonprofit Corporation (http://techcore2.org/about/board-of-directors/) and the  Associate Dean for Student and Strategic Programs at Villanova University and once again coordinating Villanova (7) Saturday VESTED Engineering program!  Application for 2020 are now available! The Vested Program is for 8th through 11th grade students.  The first step for each student is to express their interest at s.jones@villenova.edu. I also am attaching the dates and a flier about the VESTED program. A requirement of the Vested Read more…

College Student #Tech #STEM Instructor for Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Academic Year 2019 – 2020 Saturday & After School Program College Student Instructor Opportunities  Job Descriptions @ CollegeJobs.techcore2.org Apply Online @ Recruitment.TechCORE2.org   Coding & Engineering Instructors for Youth STEM Programs (up to 10 positions; Saturday & Afterschool in University City, Overbrook/West Philly and Mt. Airy) Computer Technician / Network Technician / Web Developer Intern (up to 2 positions) Saturday Leadership Program by 100 Black Men of Philadelphia (Math, Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Emphasis) (4 positions; every other Saturday 10 am – 2 pm) Read more…

SMART Scholarship- DoD

SMART The Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and guaranteed civilian employment with the Department of Defense (DoD) upon degree completion. Applicants MUST be pursuing a technical degree in one of the 21 STEM disciplines listed below. Technical degrees include programs specializing in science, mathematics and engineering (as listed in the Read more…

ITWorks Fall Class 2019

Seeking motivated young adults who want to pursue a career in technology. We are seeking students for our upcoming 39th and 40th ITWorks sessions! ITWorks is a FREE 16-week technology training program for young adults ages 18 to 26, and veterans up to 32. During 11 weeks of classroom study and hands-on workshops, students prepare for the industry-leading CompTIA A+ Certification. Through 5 weeks of internship, students build their resumes and real-world skills. Please pass Read more…


          Academic Year 2018-19 | Summer 2019 PHEAA Internship & PT Opportunities Apply Online @ Recruitment.TechCORE2.org updated July 24,  2018   [this document CollegeJobs.techcore2.org]   Social Media & Marketing Intern (up to 2 positions)   Computer Technician / Network Technician  / Web Developer Intern (up to 2 positions)   Business Development & Sales Intern (up to 2 positions) Coding & Engineering Instructors for Youth STEM Programs (up to 10 positions; Saturday Read more…

Sharon Knights Tech & Sports Experience, Summer 2019 Online Registration

Sharon Knights Tech & Sports Experience is a full service day camp celebrating it’s 5th summer! The Tech  STEM Computer Coding Instruction is powered by TechCORE2 (www.techcore2.org).                                                             Please complete this online Registration Form and Parental Consent Form, and return as soon as possible with your $35 Read more…